Online Ordering:
This is the fastest and most convenient ordering option available to you. Online ordering always starts with adding items to your shopping cart.
Step 2: Add items to your cart and select ‘Checkout’.
Step 3: You can either create an account or checkout as a guest.
Note: You will be requested to give your Name and Email address if you choose the Guest checkout option.
Step 4: Decide which payment method you would like to use: Pay securely using your personal credit card.
Step 6: Enter your Billing Address.
Step 7: Enter your Shipping Address if it is different from the Billing Address.
Note: Cure Natural Skin Care does not ship to international locations. If you are an international buyer, be sure to enter a valid US shipping address.
Step 8: You will be asked for your payment information on the same screen.
Step 9: Review your order details.
Step 10: Click “Place Order”.
Other Ordering Options:
Note: This option is not available to you if you are an international buyer.
2. If you are purchasing with a check or money order or would just prefer to send your purchase order via mail, please send your order and payment to:
Cure Natural Skin Care
1722 Sheridan Street, # 148
Hollywood, FL 33020